Nigeria Fitness Challenge – 1st – 30th October 2024

1st – 30th October 2024


30 mins X 30 days

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Nigeria Fitness Challenge 30 × 30

Nigeria Fitness Challenge 30 × 30
This is a simple goal put forward to all participants: to complete 30 minutes of activity each day for 30 days from 1st October 2024 to 30th October 2024. The aim is to inspire everyone to create a fitness focused mindset and seek healthy, active lifestyle. We have lined up exciting fitness events during this period that you can participate in and our “find yours” helps you find what activities you can engage in that suits you.

The shapeup nigeria30x30 Fitness challenge 2023 was a historic, memorable and epoch-making event. The “Nigeria 30 x 30” pilot project was held in Lagos and Port Harcourt. Part of the activities involved the data collation, analysis, report writing, and dissemination of the findings to key stakeholders including members of the public. The information obtained was used by various organs of government and private bodies for planning and decision making. "Concerns about sudden, unexpected and premature deaths have been reported by various authorities, including, the World Health Organization (WHO), various National health care systems & Ministries of Health, medical and Health institutions, specialist colleges of medicine (Nigeria Postgraduate Medical college, West African Postgraduate Medical College (Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians), Royal College of physicians, UK, American College of Cardiologists, European Stroke and Cardiologist Association, Experts and other pressure groups. Some of the major culprits incriminated in most of these sudden and expected deaths were cardiovascular or heart disease or circulatory diseases, and stroke etc. As you are aware, during the recent African Cup of Nations (AFCON), a number of Nigerians died suddenly and unexpected as there were no prior known existing medical conditions in some cases. Without a post-mortem, and not knowing the full facts about each case, there was a strong suspicion in medical circle that most of these deaths were likely to be due to cardiovascular and other deaths as described above. This makes it imperative to urgently introduce and implement the “SHAPE-UP NIGERIA 30X30, Nigeria Fitness Challenge -2024″ as well as the Nigeria Fitness Survey in order to identify the fitness levels of individuals, the health needs, the factors that could play major role in sudden and unexpected deaths and to mitigate against them. The aim is to promote and implement preventative measures through education, improve knowledge and skills, change in attitude, cultural shifts and living healthy lifestyles.
 Fitnesstalkshow Communications is currently collaborating with the Federal Ministry of Health, the Amateur Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation of Nigeria (ABBFN), and other stakeholders in organizing the “SHAPE-UP NIGERIA 30X30, and Nigeria Fitness Challenge -2024”. The 2024 shapeup Nigeria will be awesome it will include Nigeria Fitness Survey, invitation and nomination of the faces of the 30×30, the NFC Fitness awards on the Fittest politicians, celebrities, Business Tycoons, Clergy’s as well as the Orobo loser challenge radio and TV reality programme.